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UC President Napolitano calls for Davis Chancellor Katehi to Resign

UC President Janet Napolitano asked UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi to resign, The California Aggie reported in a tweet early this afternoon.

The request comes after The Sacramento Bee’s early April report that UC Davis contracted with several public relations consultants for at least $175,000. These contracts formed a campaign aimed at decreasing the amount of negative search engine results regarding UC Davis and its chancellor after the 2011 pepper spray and protest incident.

Eight California state legislators and the UC Student Association (UCSA), have called for Katehi’s resignation following the release of these documents. Associated Students of UC Davis’ (ASUCD) internal affairs commission is set to consider a resolution to call for Katehi’s resignation next Tuesday, with the full senate voting next Thursday.

Student protesters from the “Fire Katehi” movement have also continued their call for the chancellor’s resignation following the end of what The California Aggie reported to be a 36 day sit-in.

Katehi apologized for “a series of highly publicized missteps” in a statement released April 18.  “I assure you: none of our communications efforts were intended — or attempted — to erase online content or rewrite history,” said Napolitano, who also promised to host public forums and increase communication between the university and the public.

According to UC Davis Professor Jonathan Eisen, Katehi reaffirmed her “100 percent” commitment to UC Davis in an email to the Council of Deans and Vice Chancellors this morning:

Katehi has not responded to the calls for resignation and her public forum at UC Davis originally scheduled for Thursday has been postponed. The California Aggie reported that university officials declined to comment on Katehi’s current status and location.


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