
Results from the 2017 Associated Students Election

The Associated Students Elections Committee announced the final 2017-18 Associated Students council voting results on Friday, Apr. 14 at Round Table Pizza.

Lesly Figueroa of Students Determined came out on top to claim President, Matthew Alan Arrollado of THRIVE won the spot for Vice President Campus Affairs, and Refilwe Gqajela of Students Determined claimed Vice President External Affairs.

Two THRIVE candidates and three Students Determined candidates were elected as campus-wide senators: Itsi T Sanchez Rea, Monica Valdez, Aseel Sherif Ali, Miguel Ángel Tapía, and Sné Lochan.

As for off-campus senators, Students Determined candidates Leony Cristy Hermosilla Mijares and Kat Avendano won the race. Kristiana M Cuevas was elected as transfer senator. 

In the academic senator race, Amy Clare Henderson for Arts and Humanities, Anika Balse for Biological Sciences, Colin Feeney for Engineering, Nhi Nguyen for Physical Sciences, and Freddy Arriola for Social Sciences will take council positions.

4973 students participated, totaling 18.74% of the campus voter turnout. Muir College had the highest voter turnout of 22.26%, followed by Marshall College with 21.72% and Roosevelt College with 18.73%.

Students voted online over April 10 to 14 to elect the 2017-18 Associated Students council. For a little over a month, 32 candidates campaigned for 16 elected positions.


President: Lesly Figueroa

  • Lesly Figueroa (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Dennis Yeh (Independent)
  • Gus Guerrero (Independent)
  • Tara Sadat Vahdani (THRIVE – Withdrawn)
  • Aaron Dalton Burgess (Independent)


Vice President Campus Affairs: Matthew Alan Arrollado

  • Matthew Alan Arrollado (THRIVE) – Elected


Vice President External Affairs: Refilwe Gqajela

  • Refilwe Gqajela (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Adán Chávez (THRIVE)


Campus-wide Senator (5 Positions): 2 to THRIVE, 3 to Students Determined

  • Itsi T Sanchez Rea (THRIVE) – Elected
  • Mónica Valdez (THRIVE) – Elected
  • Aseel Sherif Ali (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Miguel Ángel Tapía (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Sné Lochan (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Kian Falah (THRIVE)
  • Julia Prinzi (Independent)
  • Mohamed Al Elew (THRIVE)
  • Selena Friedman (Students Determined)
  • Ronald Huang (Students Determined)

Off-campus Senator (2 Positions): 2 to Students Determined

  • Leony Cristy Hermosilla Mijares (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Kat Avendano (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Marlie Adamson (THRIVE)
  • Mariam Geysimonyan (THRIVE)


Transfer Senator: Kristiana M Cuevas

  • Kristiana M Cuevas (Students Determined) – Elected


Arts and Humanities Senator:  Amy Clare Henderson

  • Amy Clare Henderson (Independent) – Elected


Biological Sciences Senator: Anika Balse

  • Anika Balse (THRIVE) – Elected
  • Brenda B. Alvarez (Students Determined)
  • Megan Amanda Hirsch (Independent)


Engineering Senator: Colin Feeney

  • Colin Feeney (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Hrishikesh Rajan Barokar (THRIVE)
  • Stig Patrick Terrebonne (Independent)


Physical Sciences Senator: Nhi Nguyen

  • Nhi Nguyen (THRIVE) – Elected
  • Natasha H. Morgan-Witts (Students Determined)


Social Sciences Senator: Freddy Arriola

  • Freddy Arriola (Students Determined) – Elected
  • Vaishnavi Paudel (THRIVE)


Shine Cho is the News Editor for The Triton.

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