
Mohamed Al Elew Appointed as 2018-19 Editor-in-Chief

Mohamed Al Elew was appointed as the Editor-in-Chief for the 2018-19 school year by The Triton’s Editorial Board late in Winter Quarter.

Al Elew is a Computer Science major in Warren College who joined The Triton as a Student Life Staff Writer in Fall 2016. As an avid reporter of UCSD’s student government, Al Elew was a News Staff Lead Reporter before he assumed the role of Assistant News Editor at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.

“I originally joined The Triton because it is a student-run paper, and being a student-run paper means we are directly accountable for the campus’ well-being and identity,” said Al Elew. “I joined because I wanted to give UCSD a more cohesive and representative identity. What journalists do is tell stories, and storytelling is how we shape ideas of who we are and what we have accomplished and where we need to progress. The information and the stories we share will help students thrive on this campus.”

Currently, Al Elew is transitioning the student government beat to other staff writers. He is working with section editors to make sure that they are well-equipped to continue and expand campus and local coverage. His goal is to provide students with a shared identity through dialogue in order to bring them together under the six-college system.

Al Elew will be stepping in to replace current Editor-in-Chief Jaz Twersky. Twersky was the first Opinion Editor of The Triton and has led the paper through the Documenting Hate project and The Triton’s structural development.

“Personally, I’m most proud of having grown the staff and solidified our presence on campus. We’re still a young newspaper, but we’re survived the first hurdle of transitioning out of the initial leadership, and we’ll be around for ages to come,” Twersky said.  “I’m proud to be giving the organization into Mo’s capable hands. He’s a highly talented and accomplished reporter and leader, with a background in news, computer science, and activism and I know he’ll continue to grow the paper in amazing ways. I look forward to watching The Triton develop under his thoughtful and creative leadership.”

In addition, current Copy Editor Isabelle Yan will be serving as the Managing Editor for the upcoming school year.

“I am elated Isabelle is joining us as the Managing Editor next year. She has a strong understanding of our paper’s content and voice,” said Al Elew. “Given that she established a consistent voice of the paper through the style guide, she also brings considerate and fresh perspective.”

The Senior Editorial Board for next year is as follows:

Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Al-Elew
Managing Editor: Isabelle Yan
Administrative Director: Connor Gorry
News Editor: Ella Chen
Opinion Editor: Paige Prudhon
Arts and Culture Editor: Sabira Parajuli
Photo Editor: Arlene Banuelos
Copy Editor: Melissa Posada

Ella Chen is the News Editor of the Triton. You can follow her @cinder_ellachen.

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