
Submission: Statement from UCSD Graduate Students Condemning UCSD’s Response to Student Protest

We, the graduate students of UC San Diego, unequivocally condemn the administration’s aggressive response to the peaceful protests on campus. The decision to characterize the protest as non-peaceful and to deploy law enforcement to forcefully clear the encampment is an egregious violation of the principles of justice, equity, and freedom of expression that our institution claims to uphold.

Today’s events directly contradict what we teach, including the rich history of activism at UCSD, which has long been celebrated as a beacon of social change and progress. The actions taken by the administration stand in stark contrast to these values, undermining the very ethos of our institution and betraying the legacy of those who have fought tirelessly to make UCSD a place where activism is not only welcomed but celebrated.

This blatant disregard for the rights of students to engage in peaceful protest is unacceptable. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue and addressing the concerns of students, the administration has chosen to escalate tensions and resort to violence.

We demand accountability from the UCSD administration. We call upon them to acknowledge the harm caused by their actions, to immediately cease all further use of force against peaceful protesters, and to engage in genuine dialogue and reconciliation with the affected members of our community.

As graduate students committed to justice and human rights, we refuse to stand idly by in the face of such injustice. We stand in solidarity with our fellow students and all those who have been impacted by these events. We will continue to speak out, to mobilize, and to fight for a campus community that values and respects the rights and dignity of all its members.


UC San Diego Graduate Students

May 6, 2024

For a full list of signatories, please see this hyperlinked Google Doc.

We welcome responses to opinion pieces. If you’d like for us to publish a response or  comment on a different issue affecting the UCSD or UC community, you can do so here.

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