Natasha Vyhovsky

Jaz Twersky Appointed as 2017-18 Editor-in-Chief

Jaz Twersky was appointed to the position of Editor-in-Chief for the 2017-18 school year by The Triton Senior Editorial Board…

7 years ago

Election Turnout Reportedly Under Five Percent

Two sources in connection with Associated Students claimed that AS election voter turnout was under five percent as of yesterday.…

7 years ago

AS Elections 2016-17: Matthew Alan Arrollado, VP of Campus Affairs

Matthew Alan Arrollado wears crocs to Associated Students Senate meetings, cracks jokes about racecar beds with buddies from the ERC…

7 years ago

AS Elections 2016-17: Adán Chávez, VP of External Affairs

Adán Chávez got his start in student activism as a freshman. Rallying against tuition hikes eventually became protesting against anti-immigrant…

7 years ago

ERC student council allocated $7,500 for annual retreats; almost double that of all other councils

The Student Council for Eleanor Roosevelt College (SCERC) allotted $7,500 of its yearly budget to its annual council retreat fund…

8 years ago

CSE department organizes in response to Trump’s immigration ban; discusses ethical responsibilities

Students and faculty in the UCSD Computer Science and Engineering department held an emergency meeting this evening at 6 p.m.…

8 years ago

UCSD groups unite to protest Trump’s immigration ban

Approximately five hundred people gathered on Library Walk this afternoon to rally in response to President Trump’s executive order on…

8 years ago

Hundreds rally on campus; demand UC to denounce Trump

Hundreds of UCSD students, faculty members, and staff demanded the University’s denunciation of the Trump presidency during a walk-out strike…

8 years ago