Staff Op-Ed

The Enduring Myths of the Six-College System—General Education is a Fraud

This week, freshmen will encounter their first midterms in their often rightly-bemoaned college writing programs. For some, this is only…

6 years ago

The Climate Has Already Changed. Is UCSD Doing Enough?

In California, peak fire season has just begun. The combination of a long, dry summer with the advent of the…

6 years ago

Revelle College Should Update Its Writing Sequence

At the end of my last HUM 2 (the second course of the Revelle College Humanities sequence) lecture of the…

7 years ago

UCSD, What About Transfer Students?

I often wonder if I had not taken the class Transfer Year Experience (TYE), would I have had any other…

7 years ago

What Your Savior Looks Like

Starting from an incredibly young age, girls are bombarded with an endless amount of princess stories, more specifically the "damsel…

7 years ago

One Reason CAPS Isn’t Helpful Enough

On UC San Diego alone, there have been several articles (here is one by The Triton) about problems arising with…

7 years ago

What’s Lurking in the Shadow of California’s New Solar Power Legislation

In any conversation about the environment, inevitably the word “sustainable” will be thrown around. A lot. Sustainable energy, sustainable practices,…

7 years ago

Think Twice Before Throwing Out HDH Food

We’ve all seen it. A student carelessly tosses food from a dining hall because it tasted bad. By now, those…

7 years ago

Watch What Happens

I saw a meme recently that caught my eye. It read, “Dance like no one's watching. Because no one is…

7 years ago

UCSD Needs To Address Its Housing Crisis

Last week, hundreds of UC San Diego students went online at the times they were assigned to try and select…

7 years ago