Staff Op-Ed

OPINION: To Drop a Class is to be Your Own HeroOPINION: To Drop a Class is to be Your Own Hero

OPINION: To Drop a Class is to be Your Own Hero

I can’t drop this class. I always quit when things get hard. Everyone in this class is smart enough to…

7 years ago
Curiosity Killed the Pre-Med StudentCuriosity Killed the Pre-Med Student

Curiosity Killed the Pre-Med Student

The air around Geisel, which was once electrified with nervous finals week energy, dulls to a tepid summer warmth. The…

7 years ago
Fear As Fuel After Las VegasFear As Fuel After Las Vegas

Fear As Fuel After Las Vegas

When tragedy struck Las Vegas on Oct. 1, its ramifications rippled through the nation immediately. However, for a brief moment,…

7 years ago
Unpaid Internships Are for the PrivilegedUnpaid Internships Are for the Privileged

Unpaid Internships Are for the Privileged

Prelude: A Revelation Shrouded with malaise as I navigated to my first day at a new job, I nestled into…

7 years ago
The Value of ProtestThe Value of Protest

The Value of Protest

2017 has been a year of incredible controversy. Shock waves of nativist populism and widespread dissent could be indicators that…

8 years ago
Empowered by Orthodox JudaismEmpowered by Orthodox Judaism

Empowered by Orthodox Judaism

I am a student at UC San Diego, unremarkable in many ways, but you may already know who I am.…

8 years ago
100 Followers But 0 Friends100 Followers But 0 Friends

100 Followers But 0 Friends

Attending one of the largest public universities in California, I am constantly surrounded by people. On a day-to-day basis, streams…

8 years ago
Syrian Refugees: First Steps in SolidaritySyrian Refugees: First Steps in Solidarity

Syrian Refugees: First Steps in Solidarity

We’ve all heard about the crisis occurring today in Syria. Perhaps you’ve seen pictures of a decimated Aleppo, watched videos…

8 years ago
Love your hometown, even if you don’tLove your hometown, even if you don’t

Love your hometown, even if you don’t

I can pinpoint the exact moment I decided to not have a southern accent. I was seven years old and…

8 years ago
Freshman Seminars: A First Year Privilege?Freshman Seminars: A First Year Privilege?

Freshman Seminars: A First Year Privilege?

Freshman year is fondly remembered by most. For the first time, you are a fully independent being, free to do…

8 years ago