Encrypted Email
Do you have a sensitive news tip? Or want to report something that’s happening on campus? Rather than using our unsecured contact form or Facebook Messenger (also not secure), email us on our encrypted Proton Mail email account: the.triton.news@proton.me.
Note: In order for encryption to work, you must either send from a ProtonMail email or use the Mailvelope browser add-on.
Contact Form
If you’d like to send us a tip, report something happening around campus, offer a critique, or simply get in touch—this is the place to do it! We look forward to hearing from you!
If you want to make an opinion submission, please do NOT use this form, instead, email opinion@triton.news.
If the tip you are sending is sensitive in nature and something you don’t want people to know you told us, please do not use the contact form. Instead, use our encrypted email above.