The UC Student Workers Union, United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2865, held a systemwide demonstration on Monday, demanding that the UC system re-enter negotiations for a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). This demonstration was held in solidarity with the ongoing wildcat strike occurring at UC Santa Cruz (UCSC), which started when graduates students withheld Fall […]
Studying With Focus Flows
With midterms season in full swing, students can get overwhelmed by high stress, preventing them from being in the optimal emotional state while studying or testing. In times of panic, students should review test material while jamming to their favorite tunes—it is proven that studying with music can help reduce stress! Before reviewing and explaining […]
“Hug Me Everyone!!”—Triton Fest Blessed Us With Josh Peck
On Saturday, January 25, I had the opportunity to attend UC San Diego’s Triton Fest “Under the Influencer” event. One thing I can assure you I did not leave this awesome night with, was a “HEADACHE!!” The line started from the top of Price Center (PC) and wrapped all the way around the bookstore, continuing […]
UC Board of Regents Presidential Search Committee Hosts Town Hall on Campus
The Presidential Search Committee for the next UC President hosted a town hall at the Faculty Club on Tuesday for the campus community to provide input. UC Board of Regents Chair John Perez convened the search committee after UC President Janet Napolitano announced last September that she would resign effective August 2020. In order to […]
Fresh Pots! Brings Local Music from Tijuana to UCSD
Sun God may be the most hyped music festival on campus, but don’t miss the second weekend of the Fresh Pots! Music Festival this Saturday, February 8 from 4:00-11:00 p.m., hosted by the Che Café Collective. Fresh Pots! has all the Che fixtures: great vegan food and a space to appreciate the local music scene. […]
Editorial: ASUCSD Violated Student Trust With a Private Senate Meeting
The Triton’s Editor-in-Chief Ella Chen filed a grievance against ASUCSD last night. Read the grievance here. On January 15, 2020, the Associated Students of UC San Diego (ASUCSD) held a closed session for a presentation by University Centers Advisory Board (UCAB) Chair Joey Mendoza, entitled “Student Mental Health.” About an hour later, ASUCSD voted unanimously […]
AS Senate Privately Discusses Mental Health Prior to Approving Fee Referendum Text
Associated Students of UC San Diego (ASUCSD) Senate granted a private, closed session audience to University Centers Advisory Board Chair Joey Mendoza during its January 15 meeting for a presentation on mental health. An hour later, ASUCSD Senate voted to approve language for a student mental health fee referendum. Mendoza presented to Senate for approximately […]
Students Likely To Vote On Funding Expanded Mental Health Services
The Associated Students of UC San Diego (ASUCSD) Senate voted on January 15 to approve the language for a referendum for a new student fee funding expanded mental health services on the April 2020 ballot. Students will decide whether to front the costs of increased personnel and programming for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and […]
Saweetie’s Icy Performance at Horizon 2020
Going to Horizon was a fun way to take a break from studying for classes to listen to some lit music and hang out with some cool friends! The concert was hosted by UC San Diego Associated Students Concerts & Events in RIMAC Arena on January 24 and the initial line to get in was […]
UC System and Its Largest Labor Union Reach Tentative Contracts
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3299 (AFSCME 3299), the UC system’s largest labor union representing 8,000 service workers and 19,000 patient care workers, reached a tentative contract agreement Monday night with the UC covering its patient care workers. This announcement comes after AFSCME 3299 reached a tentative agreement covering its […]