Dear Jagdeep Singh Bachher, We write to you representing University of California students and faculty from across the state as part of the climate justice movement. In the March 13 investments subcommittee meeting, you committed to divesting up to $500 million from fossil fuel commodities and real assets, stating that “in the long term…fossil fuels…[are] […]
UCSD Needs To Address Its Housing Crisis
Last week, hundreds of UC San Diego students went online at the times they were assigned to try and select a room in which to live for the the 2018-19 year. It was made out to be simple enough: All of the information needed to log on had been available for weeks, along with videos […]
Get Ready With Me: Sun God Edition
This year’s Sun God lineup with headlining artist blackbear includes a wide range of up-and-coming artists. Cuco’s indie mood tunes contrast with MadeinTYO’s head bop-inducing flows, but they make for a well-rounded assortment. Here are our top songs from each artist on this year’s Sun God lineup. Cuco “Lover Is a Day” “We Had to […]
Editorial: Dear UCSD Admin, Student Journalism Matters
At UC San Diego, we keep talking about free speech. For example, in response to incidents of white supremacy on campus, our administration told a New York NPR affiliate: “The antidote to hate speech is more speech—speaking out against intolerance and bigotry—and one the university will continue advocating.” Great. The Triton completely agrees. But when […]
UC Regents Chair: One Student Regent is Enough
UC Regents Chair George Kieffer met with students on April 10 to discuss his positions on a variety of topics in order to increase transparency between the UC Regents and students at UC San Diego. Kieffer discussed the Regents’ commitment to diversity, student housing, divestment from Israel and fossil fuels, and lack of student representation […]
CHEM 7L Grades Retroactively Lowered Due to Error
A Chemistry professor retroactively lowered the grades of his entire class after it was discovered that a grading error caused the grades of those enrolled to be inflated. On April 6, Chemistry Professor Seth Cohen emailed students enrolled in his Winter Quarter CHEM 7L class about a grading error that caused the grades for those enrolled […]
FLORA* Art Show Highlights QTPOC Artists
Queer, Transgender, and People of Color (QTPOC) UCSD hosted FLORA*, an art show showcasing QTPOC artists and musicians, at KSDT Radio Station on Saturday April 7. Over 26 talented student works were featured, with performances by Kohinoorgasm, Telarana, and PERMAFRIED, as well as a Black Magic Hollyhock solo set by Hailee Felder. When envisioning the […]
Data Science Major to be Capped Starting Fall 2018
The Data Science major at UC San Diego, which was added in Fall 2017, will begin limiting enrollment in the major on July 1 due to growing demand. Students will be accepted into the major based on their GPA in three screening courses: Math 20C, Math 18/20F, and DSC 10. Data Science is an […]
Associated Students Averts a $29K Deficit
The Associated Students corrected a projected funding deficit for the Student Organization Programming Fund after it was discovered in last week’s AS Council meeting. Senior Associate Vice President (AVP) of Student Organizations Nathan Park gave a presentation about student organization funding at last week’s AS Council meeting, projecting a $29,000 funding deficit for the Programming […]
Muir College Buries Weed in 50th Anniversary Time Capsule
Muir College buried a time capsule containing weed and other items in the Muir Woods Coffee Shop for its 50th anniversary celebration on April 20. “Someone suggested putting in cannabis,” said Muir College Archivist Patricia Vasquez. “So that’s what this is, this is cannabis going into our time capsule in honor of the legalization of […]