Posted inAS Elections 2020 - Editorial, Editorial, Opinion

AS Endorsements 2020: Vote Alisha Saxena For AS VP External

The Triton’s Editorial Board endorses BOLD vice president of external affairs (VPEA) candidate Alisha Saxena in the 2020 Associated Students of UC San Diego (ASUCSD) Election. According to the ASUCSD Constitution, the VPEA is ASUCSD’s representative member to the University of California Student Association (UCSA), the student government for the entire UC system. The VPEA […]

Posted inAS Elections 2020 - Editorial, Editorial, Opinion

AS Endorsements 2020: Vote Samuel J.W. Fleet For AS VP Campus Affairs

The Triton’s Editorial Board endorses Forward! vice president of campus affairs (VPCA) candidate Samuel J.W. Fleet for the 2020 Associated Students of UC San Diego (ASUCSD) Election. On May 10, the Board interviewed two VPCA candidates: Samuel J.W. Fleet for Forward! and Hannah Krietman for BOLD. If elected, this would be Fleet’s first position in […]

Posted inAS Elections 2020 - Editorial, Editorial, Opinion

The Triton Will Not Endorse A 2020 ASUCSD Presidential Candidate

The Triton’s Editorial Board will not be endorsing a presidential candidate in the 2020 Associated Students of UC San Diego (ASUCSD) Election. The Board believes that though both Kimberly Giangtran and Patrick Miencharoen have qualities that make them viable presidents, they ultimately both have crucial weaknesses that make us apprehensive of endorsing either candidate. The […]