UC San Diego’s 2017 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is not an accurate representation of sexual assault and harassment on campus, due to the fear of reporting survivors often have. The 2017 Safety Report found 24 total sexual violence incidents in 2016, 28 in 2015, and 15 in 2014. In 2016, 10 of those […]
UCSD, What About Transfer Students?
I often wonder if I had not taken the class Transfer Year Experience (TYE), would I have had any other resources to guide me through UC San Diego? I transferred from Santa Monica College (SMC) to UCSD as a third year. I noticed as soon as I arrived at UCSD that SMC’s admissions and administration […]
Submission: UCSD Greek Life Needs To Prove It Cares About Sexual Assault Victims
Content warning: This article concerns sexual assault. I’m appalled—appalled because the rules that govern UC San Diego’s Greek life are rigged in favor of those who commit sexual assault. Currently, fraternities and sororities are allowed to keep the numbers of assaults that are perpetrated on their watch secret. There’s no accountability, and we need this […]
UCAB Approves Pollution Control Mural
The UC San Diego University Centers Advisory Board (UCAB) approved the installation of a pollution control mural in Price Center at their meeting last Tuesday. Uday Govindswamy, a fourth year Environmental Engineering major, teamed up with Greeks Gone Green, a student organization dedicated to enhancing environmental awareness within the Greek community, to propose the project […]
Submission: Jones-Wright Would Champion the People as District Attorney
At the time of the 2016 election, it would have been impossible to predict the amount of damage that the Trump administration was going to inflict in just a few months. Despite then-candidate Trump’s transparent ignorance promising ignorance-based policymaking, his actions in office are still alarming. Most alarming, however, is his administration’s unabashed dedication to […]
Sally Ride Honored in Public Stamp Dedication Ceremony
The U.S. Postal Service commemorated Sally Ride with a new Forever Stamp on May 23 at Price Center East Ballroom. Dr. Ride was the first American woman in space and a UC San Diego professor of physics. The first-day-of-issue dedication ceremony drew about 300 people, though very few of them were UCSD students. Kristin Seaver, […]
Three UCSD Faculty Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Three UC San Diego faculty—Professors Darwin Berg, Marta Kutas, and Ivan Schuller—were recently inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in late April. The honorary society was founded by John Adams, John Hancock, and James Bowdoin to recognize outstanding devotion to the advancement of societal, scientific, and intellectual issues. On April 28, the […]
Former Vice President Joe Biden Endorses UCSD Professor Nathan Fletcher
Former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed UC San Diego professor Nathan Fletcher on Friday for 4th District County Supervisor, making this the first endorsement from a top politician in this race. This will be Biden’s second endorsement of a California-elected position, following his endorsement of Senator Dianne Feinstein for U.S. Senator. “Nathan Fletcher served his […]
Governor Brown: UC Schools Should “Be More Like Chipotle”
California Governor Jerry Brown said that universities should be more like Chipotle and stop giving students so many options for classes in an address on May 23 to the California Chamber of Commerce. “What I like about Chipotle is the limited menu. You stand in the line, get either brown rice or white rice, black […]
UC System Demonstrates Exceptional Support for Low-Income Students
A recent report by Third Way, a center-left think tank, details that UC system schools, as opposed to most U.S. universities, excel at providing aid and support toward low-income students. The report focuses on the average enrollment and graduation rates of Pell Grant awardees. Among the top 100 U.S. universities, five out of the nine UC campuses included had […]