Posted inCampus, News

Mice Infestation in ERC Dorms

During winter quarter, students in Eleanor Roosevelt College faced a mice infestation. While residents reported the problem to Housing Dining Hospitality (HDH) and pest control, many students and parents felt the measures taken did not sufficiently address the infestation. First-floor residents of Latin America Hall found the rodents in various parts of the dorms, including […]

Posted inNews

Two UCSD Alumni join Artemis Moon Expedition

A new National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) program named Artemis plans to land the first woman and next man on the moon by 2024. Of the eighteen team members training to land on the moon, two are UCSD alumni. The Artemis mission has several focuses: sustainable technology development to keep cosmic exploration affordable, as […]

Posted inGreek Life, News

Sigma Chi Continues Spring Recruitment Despite Sanctions and Deregistration

Spring 2021 Recruitment for the UCSD Chapter of Sigma Chi is currently underway, despite the Fraternity’s deregistered status which prohibits recruitment. Due to sexual misconduct allegations, which include sexual assault and drugging, a Panhellenic wide social ban prompted the University to suspend the fraternity. Following a lengthy investigation in May of 2020, they were officially […]

Posted inNews, Student Government

2021 Elections Results: AS Seeks to REVIVE Student Life

The Associated Student at UCSD (ASUCSD) Election Committee announced results of college council and campus-wide elections Friday, April 9 via Zoom. Voter turnout this election cycle was 7.89%, down from last year’s 21.37%, with Seventh College boasting the highest turnout rate at 21.53%.  Of 29,473 students currently enrolled, 2,324 cast their ballot for this year’s […]