Posted inNews, UC System

Systemwide Data Breach Poses Threat to Students’ Personal Information

The University of California released a statement on March 31 stating they were impacted by a cyber attack that affected at least 300 organizations including several universities, such as Stanford and the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and many government agencies. This data breach of personal information was due to a vulnerability in Accellion’s system, a […]

Posted inCampus, News

P/NP Deadline Extended Alongside Other Academic Accommodations

On January 19 Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, David Hickman and Associated Students President, Kimberly Giangtran, released a statement announcing extended academic accommodations for the Winter and Spring 2021 quarters in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the statement, the deadline to change grading options between letter grades or P/NP has been extended […]